02 March 2008

mundane thoughts

I found this list the other day. one that I made before christmas. something I was going to post, but didn't. when I wrote it i was feeling down. in a rut. the rut likes to cycle through every month or so; sometimes it's deeper, sometimes shallower, always makes me eat a shit-ton of cookies. i find my self making more lists like these as I get older. it's mostly boring thoughts I am forced to contemplate:
-do I buy the cream throw rug or the brown? cream or brown?
-how much life insurance should I carry now that I am married?
-need to research rechargeable battery kits to buy for husband for x-mas (and he got one..)
-why do I constantly reorganize the bedroom furniture in my mind? this compulsiveness needs to stop.
-wondering how hard it's going to be to clean that cat puke off the carpet that I found this morning and didn't have time to deal with.